High level programaming - A study on the Iterative Prisoner's Dilemma
in Projects
The Prisoner’s Dilemma is widely used to (attempt to) model social/economical interactions. Here we approach its iterative version under several scenarios:
- Between two players
- A generalization to a tournament of N players
- Repeating the tournament several times increasing the population
- Allowing players’ strategies to change in the previous setup
We are interested in studying the evolution of the population and of players’ scores, and to have an insight on which is the best strategy and the winning player (if any).
This is the final project for the course of High Level Programming (also known as Laboratory of Computational Physics, mod. A), Fall 2018, Master’s degree in ICT for Internet and multimedia, University of Padova, Italy.
Technical details
Open the Jupyter notebook to see a brief interactive description of the work.
More complete information can be found in the full report and optionally in the supplementary material.
Source code and output images (plots) are in their respective folders.